学 历 | 博士 | |
职 称 | 讲师 | |
所属部门 | 植物生理学系 | |
招生专业 | ||
im体育 | E-mail: jiajingbo1990@images-collector.com | |
个人简介 | ||
贾静波,女,1990年1月生,im体育嘉祥人,博士,讲师。2012年和2016年分别获西北农林科技大学理学学士、博士学位。2016年12月-2017年8月于im体育黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区管理局工作,2017年9月进入im体育农业大学im体育作物生物学国家重点实验室工作。近年来参与了国家973计划项目、国家自然科学基金科研课题。在Scientific Reports、Physiologia Plantarum等学术刊物上发表科研论文。 | ||
教学工作 | ||
承担本科生《im体育》、硕士研究生《im体育》等课程的教学工作。 | ||
研究方向 | ||
植物抗逆的生理响应和分子机理 | ||
发表论文 | ||
1. Jia J B, Luo Z B*, et al. (2016) Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals roles of the overlapping heat/drought responsive genes in transcriptional and physiological acclimation of Populus simonii roots and leaves to high temperature and drought. Scientific Reports 7: 43215. 2. Jia J B, Luo Z B*, et al. (2015) Physiological and transcriptional regulation in poplar roots and leaves during acclimation to high temperature and drought. Physiologia Plantarum 157: 38-53. 3. Cao X, Jia J B, Luo Z B*, et al. (2014) Anatomical, physiological and transcriptional responses of two contrasting poplar genotypes to drought and re-watering. Physiologia Plantarum 151:480-494. 4. Cao X, Jia J B, Luo Z B*, et al. (2011) Photosynthesis, water use efficiency and stable carbon isotope composition are associated with anatomical properties of leaf and xylem in six poplar species. Plant Biology 14: 612–620. 5. Gan H H, Jiao Y, Jia J B, Luo Z B*, et al. (2016) Phosphorus and nitrogen physiology of two contrasting poplar genotypes when exposed to phosphorus and/or nitrogen starvation. Tree Physiology 00: 1–17. |